ROWA Intl Limited is registered in Hong Kong, the founder is a female lawyer from Mainland China, when her daughter Lowie was three years old, she said that when she grows up, she would like to give her mother a jewelry factory named ROWA. this year she is ten years old, the result of our discussion is that ROWA is going to do something more meaningful, to continue the grandfather of Lowie’s interest in antiques collection and business, to bring the beauty of ancient China to the world, and to arouse in us an unparalleled respect for the creators and inheritors of China’s outstanding traditional culture.

Ancient Chinese people’s aesthetics, from the psychological nature of the understanding of beauty. This kind of beauty should go to the world and be integrated into life, so that “ancient Chinese aristocratic culture” and “modern world popular culture” can be given the opportunity to mingle and collide, and create everyone’s own “aesthetics of life”! “Aesthetics of Life” belongs to everyone.